All slenae2Jehovah’s Witnesses, particularly those in positions of oversight, need to fully come to grips with the toll in human lives and suffering the Watchtower’s bizarre policies on blood have amassed over the past sixty or seventy years.

In this section we will examine some of the stories that illustrate the impact the policy has had on those indoctrinated, unduly influenced and in some cases coerced by Watchtower leaders.



Share Their Story – Honor Their Legacy

Share Their Story – Honor Their Legacy

Help us document and remember the lives of Jehovah's Witnesses who have passed away due to refusing blood transfusions. Your contribution can make a is dedicated to educating Jehovah's Witnesses and their healthcare providers about the Watchtower...

Chaunte Cardwell – from Near Death to Freedom

Chaunte Cardwell – from Near Death to Freedom

Shortly after I was born, my parents decided to become Jehovah’s Witnesses. My dad was an elder, and everyone in our family pioneered during the summer while I was growing up. I was baptized in 1986 at thirteen years of age, in Ogden, Utah. We were the picture-perfect...

Evelyn’s Story

Evelyn’s Story

I had stopped going to the meetings for six months. Before that I was fading, but it wasn’t deliberate. The stress of being a Jehovah’s Witness and the daily treadmill on Watchtower’s hamster-wheel was too much for my physical and mental health. In early 1992 I moved...

Watchtower Sacrificial Lambs

Watchtower Sacrificial Lambs

Featured on the cover of the May 22, 1994 Awake! magazine are the photos of 26 children, with the caption: “Youths Who Put God First.” Inside the magazine proclaims: “In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first.  They are still doing it, only today...