Watchtower Sacrificial Lambs

Watchtower Sacrificial Lambs

Featured on the cover of the May 22, 1994 Awake! magazine are the photos of 26 children, with the caption: “Youths Who Put God First.” Inside the magazine proclaims: “In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first.  They are still doing it, only today...

Jehovah’s Witness girl saved by court

In an article written by Zelda Venter and published on June 7, 2014, by IOL news of South Africa, a 10-year-old Jehovah’s Witness girl was saved in South Africa when “The Centre for Child Law” in Pretoria instructed an advocate to go to the Durban...

Media Guide

The information below is taken directly from the written instructions provided to Hospital Liaison Committee members who take Seminar II, as provided by the Watchtower Society and shows how both the HLC and JW parents are coached to deal with the media. We have added...